Fall Fest
Food Truck Vendor Form
Registration: (pick one)
Register by 9/1/2024 (pick one):
$150 per 10x10 booth
$200 per 10x20 booth
$250 per 10x30 booth
All food items sold must be approved by Pepperell Fourth. Only 2 like items will be approved to ensure your success. Reach out to PepperellFourth@yahoo.com for pre-approval.
Once approved, we will direct all Mobile Food Trucks/Carts & Novelty vendors to also submit for a Town Permit: https://town.pepperell.ma.us/DocumentCenter/View/7155/Mobile-Vending-Policies-and-Procedures?bidId=
Food Vendors are responsible for acquiring Nashoba Board of Health Permit for this event. BOH recommends submitting for approval at least 2 weeks in advance.
Once BOH approved, please
forward permit to
PepperellFourth@yahoo.com and plan to have the certificate posted at the event.
You are not confirmed until payment is received. OR you can print this page and mail a check made payable to: Pepperell 4th of July Committee, PO Box 533, Pepperell, MA 01463.
Cancellation Policy: If you cancel prior to 35 days of the event, you may request a refund or move your registration to the following year. If cancelling 35 days or less, there is no refund as it's too late to fill your spot. No shows are not eligible for refunds and could be potentially excluded from future events.